What’s In Your Pet’s Food & Treats?

Just because you bought a bag of dog food from the veterinarian’s office claiming it is a higher quality than supermarket options does not make it nutritional.  One look at the order of the ingredients list will show that the protein comes from grains, or grain by-products such as cornmeal, wheat, & brewers rice rather than from premium meat sources

There are hundreds of brands across the country in grocery stores that mostly contain poultry by-product.  These leftovers consist of feet, beaks, undeveloped eggs, and intestines. Most formulas contain a couple of specialized ingredients to make them appear as a specialized health diet for limitless reasons. The truth is a healthy diet can help keep your dog healthy and happy for much longer, but it must consist of a proper protein source and appropriate nutrition supplementation.

When you’re looking for the best high quality food, look for ingredients like chicken meal or lamb meal to be listed before any grains are. Our family pets are designed by nature to eat protein from meat sources, so the high grain content many pet foods contain is one of the leading contributors to the growing obesity issues in pets. This being said, it isn’t recommended to completely remove grains from your animals diet.

Most people will tell you that “human food” is not good for your pets, while most holistically trained veterinarians encourage the practice of feeding fresh food to our pets. If you do feed them non formulated food, keep it to healthy items such as meat, steamed and finely chopped veggies & fruits, baked sweet potato, rice, oatmeal (and no junk food!) If you feed them this way, remember to lessen the portion of their own food so that they don’t put on extra pounds.

Remember, not all healthy foods for us are good for them. Onions, grapes and raisins can all be toxic to our cats and dogs. If you’re not positive it’s safe for them, don’t feed them it!  And, don’t forget to supplement for things like hip and joint problems.  The correct supplementation can add years to your pet’s life and life to your pet’s years.

Think Butter Flavored PopCorn Is Healthy? Think Again…

So many people reach for popcorn as their go to healthy snack. In fact, most people use microwaveable popcorn because of the convenience factor. Most microwaveable popcorn is “butter flavored”. Herein lies the problem. A chemical called diacetyl is used in the artificially made butter flavoring.

Diacetyl is linked to an extremely severe lung disease sometimes referred to as “popcorn lung.” It became known when thousands of workers became affected by it due to prolonged exposure to the chemical in the plant. Companies knew that their product was causing this medical complication and yet they still did not make any efforts of stopping production. Finally, after a long fight, and an actual disease named after the harmful DIACETYL chemical, it started to get phased out from the major pop corn makers.

They found a way to make the popcorn safer. We should be happy right? WRONG! The replacement they found is called 2.3 PENTANEDIONE. We weren’t shocked to find out that this chemical also started making buyers develop breathing problems. Unfortunately even after what was discovered about this new and “safer” version of BPA it is still used in many butter-flavored products. Popcorn is not the only product you need to be worried about, butter cookies and anything containing this artificial flavored butter also runs the risk of having DIACETYL in it. If you have buttered popcorn in your home right now, make sure to read the label! Do yourself a favor, make yours from scratch, melt real butter and spray it on with a BPA free spray bottle!

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